IEEE PDF Express Font XXX Not Embedded Error
When submitting pappers to IEEE PDF Express for validation, there’s usually an error about a font embedding.
Errors: Font TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT, TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT is not embedded (15x on page 8)
A quick fix can be done on Windows with adobe installed.
- Open the pdf file with Edge, Chrome, or Adobe.
- Print the file and select Adobe printer.
- Click on properties and then select “Adobe PDF Settings” tab.
- Uncheck “Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts”.
- Click on the Edit button which is after “Default Settings: Standard”.
- Click on Fonts on the left column, and add the not embedded fonts to “Always Embedded” sections.
- Click on OK, and save it to a new settings.
- Use the new setting to print the pdf file.
The new pdf file should pass the IEEE PDF Express validation check.
Referred from here.